Reuse area to close on 31 December 2023 |
The Southern Civic Amenity Site Board regrets to announce that its reuse area at the site will close at the end of this calendar year. Due to budget challenges, changes in staffing arrangements at the site and the Board’s desire to continue to support local businesses by operating a trade waste service, the continuation of providing a reuse area is unfortunately no longer a viable option for the site. Along with a marked increase in broken, dangerous, as well as chargeable items being hidden within the reuse area, the amount of staff time required to maintain and manage the area is no longer deemed to be the best use of the site’s limited resources. The Board is in discussion with a local charity to identify any opportunities for accepting reusable items from the site but for site users which currently have items which may be able to be reused or those which are in need items, you can find links to various other reuse options on our website via the link HERE. Added 20 December 2023